The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados
Last night the Honourable Dr. Lincoln Douglas, Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism, Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, along with the 27-strong Trinidad & Tobago National Steel Symphony Orchestra (N.S.S.O) arrived on island and were welcomed by Chief of Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation, Mr. Cranston ...
The Trinidad and Tobago National Steel Symphony Orchestra (N.S.S.O) will perform for the first time in Barbados on the First Citizens in association with the Insurance Co-operation of Barbados Limited (ICBL) Pan Fusion stage on Thursday July 11, 2013. While in Barbados, the N.S.S.O will team up with the NCF ...
NCF Sponsors Take a Hands-On Approach The National Cultural Foundation says its sponsors understand the importance of the season and take a hands-on approach to their investments, getting intimately involved and becoming an extended part of the NCF family. The Foundation’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Cranston Browne commended partners First ...
In the midst of all the calypso revelry some festival-goers will be raising the roof in praise during this Crop Over season. For the third consecutive year, gospel music will feature prominently on the Crop Over calendar with the “Praise Is What We Do” Crop Over Gospel Concert in association ...
Sixteen calypsonians will battle in the semi-final round of the Sweet Soca competition on Friday, July 5 at the Party Stand at 10:00 p.m. for a chance to perform on the coveted Soca Royale stage. They are: NAME OF ARTIST NAME OF SONG Biggie Irie Need Ah Riddim Blood Ah ...
This year’s Republic Bank (Barbados) Limited Crop Over Opening Gala and Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes is among the FREE events on the National Cultural Foundation’s (NCF) official Crop Over calendar for 2013, so says its Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Cranston Browne at the launch of the event held ...
The sweet sounds of pan will play on, thanks to an injection of funds towards the purchase of new instruments from Barbados Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd., a member of the Neal & Massy Group. In discussing their recent support for the programme, Neal & Massy (Barbados) Country Manager, Frere ...
“Practice makes permanent,” that is the advice from Aisha Mandisa Butcher, the 2012 Scotiabank Junior Calypso Monarch. The young calypsonian uttered these words last Friday when she met with the Scotiabank team for a small homecoming in her honour at the office of the company’s Managing Director Caribbean East in ...
Aisha “Mandisa” Butcher, the 2012 Junior Calypso Monarch in the 13 to 18 category will make a guest appearance on stage in the Finals of the Trinidad Junior Monarch competition on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 10 a.m. The competition which comes off at the Queen’s Park Savannah in the ...