The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados
Art by NCF Digital Artwalk 9 Feature Josette Leacock Have you started your gift shopping for the holidays? Season 9 of the NCF Digital Artwalks, the first of two seasons for the month of December, has some great #buybajan ideas! The artwalk, which aired Sunday, December 6th, featured Visual Artist Josette Leacock ...
A new series of drawings from Barbadian-based artist Annalee Davis titled As if the Entanglement of our Lives did not Matter, is part of the exhibition ‘Florilegium: A gathering of flowers’ which brings together new and existing works from 4 contemporary artists and more than 40 established botanical artists. Media ...
The National Cultural Foundation released a series of digital educational projects yesterday at the Daphne Joseph Hackett Theatre. These digital projects offer assistance to the schools’ digital teaching and target children ages 8-11 and CSEC students studying dance and theatre. Projects focused on elements of The Barbados Landship in an ...
The National Cultural Foundation announced new acquisitions to their art collection. The Foundation purchased two works of art from Barbadian born, international artist Sheena Rose. Among the pieces includes A Town piece entitled “Nelson” and a Sweet Gossip Piece entitled “Well,well, well…did you hear the latest”. During the presentation, Rose ...
It’s yours! You own it! Find out how to make money from your Intellectual Property. Innovation starts with an idea—your idea. You discover a problem to solve or a gap to fill. Sometimes it starts with a fleeting thought that keeps coming back, or it’s a tug that won’t let ...
The National Cultural Foundation presents FOR DE CULTURE: a new podcast hosted by Paula Anne Jackman and featuring Barbadians in the Arts sharing their journeys and their success blueprints! Episode 1 premiered last Thursday on the NCF’s YouTube, Facebook and IG TV and featured vocalists/musicians Ray Vybz and Krisirie sitting ...
The National Cultural Foundation presents the 7 Day Film Challenge in association with The Barbados Film and Video Association. In this adrenaline-filled competition, filmmakers will be asked to assemble teams and craft a short film. Teams will be unaware of the genre of the film until the start of the ...