Visual Arts

NCF hosts Mural Design Workshop

todayOctober 11, 2022 245


The National Cultural Foundation (NCF), through its Visual Arts desk, is in the process of facilitating a Mural Design Workshop at the Queen’s Park Gallery. The running dates for this workshop are as follows: Friday October 7th – 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday October 8th – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday October 15th – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The workshop facilitators are Alicia Cobb of the Unites States and Neville Legall and Don Small of Barbados. Cobb was on island during the period October 7th and 8th to assist with the facilitation of those workshops. These workshops feature a combination of theoretical and practical elements which include aspects relating to submission of brief to clients, developing and sketching the concept, scaling up methods, how to charge for a mural project, how to prepare surfaces for painting and the types of paints and materials that can be used as well as how to protect, maintain and finish the mural.

The final session in this series of workshops will held this Saturday October 15th at Queen’s Park. There will be a practical exercise conducted by Legall and Small. (PR)

Written by: Info NCF

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St. James, Barbados