Literary Arts Showcase

It Seemed

todayJanuary 16, 2022 323 4

It seemed, Distant. Irrelevant. Almost exotic. We are resistant.
It seemed, Common. Overdone.
It’s just a flu. ‘Tis the season.
It seemed, Eastern.
Until it wasn’t.
The Europeans And Americans Must have a plan For containment.
But they didn’t.
And then, It seemed, Close.
Too close
For comfort.
Too close
For peace of mind.
Too close
To not fear the burden. Too close –
It’s in our region.
One by one Countries report Cases confirmed. All as imports Returning from

Those foreign places. Seaports and airports Regimented
Like army bases.
These positive cases Now have faces.
Doctors trying
Patients fighting Families crying.
Death toll rising
Yes, people are surviving But too many are dying.
And who do we blame?
The Chinese
And their exotic meats? Electromagnetic fields
From installing 5G?
Political agendas
That the populace can’t see? Biological warfare
The start of World War 3?
It seems… No one says ‘Blame me.’

Written by: ncf_boss

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