
Know the Business of Your Art (BOYA) Symposium

todayFebruary 24, 2015 127




The National Cultural Foundation in association with the Cave Hill School of Business present The Know the Business of Your Art (BOYA) Symposium –
“Creating Our Own Intersections:  Culture at the Crossroads”

Saturday, March 21, 2015
at the Cave Hill School of Business, UWI, St. Michael,
Starting at 9:00 a.m.

If you are a Cultural Practitioner or you are generally interested in the development of the cultural industries then come, listen and share at this one-day symposium

The BOYA symposium will comprise of three sessions:

* Creating Our Own Intersections:  Culture at the Crossroads
Listen as presenters share their practical vision for the evolution of the cultural and creative industries in Barbados.
o Presenters: Dr. Annalee Babb & Mr. Egbert Irving
o Moderator: Mr. André Hoyte.

* Harnessing the Power & Potential of the New Cultural Frameworks
Learn more about the new cultural development industries act through interactive discussion.
o Panellists: Mr. André Hoyte; Ms. Alison Sealy-Smith; Ms. Andrea King
o Moderator: Dr. Annalee C. Babb

* Balancing Creativity & Commercialisation:  Ideas for Strategic Collaboration
Share your thoughts as we explore the potential of the Cultural Industries in an effort to generate collaborative strategies that will strengthen the sector.
o Moderator: Mr. Egbert Irving.

To pre-register and for further information contact Ms. Alison Sealy-Smith at 417-6651 or

Written by: ncf_boss

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The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados