Cultural KnowledgeOral History Programme

National Oral History Project Digital Database

todayJune 2, 2014 299

Lamming being interviewed by Margaret Gill for the NCF's National Oral History Programme
Lamming being interviewed by Margaret Gill for the NCF’s National Oral History Programme

The statement that we are conversing with our national cultural icons as a means to preserving our cultural heritage in the 21st century and beyond, in essence captures the sentiments of today’s (May 23, 2014) launch of the National Oral History Programme’s (NOHP) online database in recognition of International Museum Day.

The National Cultural Foundation, as facilitator of the NOHP and a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) invites members of the public to visit the NCF’s website at and click on the National Oral History Programme’s link to view clips from interviews conducted with custodians of Barbados’ cultural heritage.

From today the digital database will feature interviews conducted under the Cultural Treasures of Barbados Series beginning with local writer, critic and thinker George Lamming and his reflections on culture, politics and the writing of his world renowned novel In The Castle of My Skin.

During the 2014 Crop Over Festival from June 1 to August 4, as the NCF hosts its 40th anniversary celebrations of the revival of the modern day festival, clips will be uploaded to our website, YouTube Channel, Facebook page and Twitter accounts from the interview series with the Mighty Gabby conducted by fellow calypsonian and social commentator Peter Adonijah Alleyne.

In addition excerpts will be uploaded from our Crop Over research projects, including the Crop Over Oral History Project launched last year, which highlights the voices of those who remember “Crop Over” – past and recent.

[button_link size=”medium” src=”” target=”_blank”]Watch George Lamming on Art & Artists[/button_link]

[button_link size=”medium” src=”″ target=”_blank”]Watch George Lamming on Political Parties[/button_link]

[button_link size=”medium” src=”” target=”_blank”]Watch George Lamming on Political Parties & People[/button_link]

Written by: ncf_boss

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