Junior Kadooment – Schools & Community Competition 2024 Rules & Entry Form



JUNior kadooment



  1.                  To encourage research into the historical and contemporary aspects of our culture.
  2.                  To provide a meaningful outlet for the creative energy of artists, art teachers, art students and individuals in costume design and construction.
  3.                   To create a gala event, geared towards providing entertainment for the family and the general public alike.
  4.                  To encourage participation of the youth in Costume/Mas’ thus creating a nursery for the adult Grand Kadooment.


  1.                  Junior Kadooment is an event dedicated to the participation and enjoyment of pre-school and school children (3-18) years of age. This competition is open to schools and community groups that have benefitted from training in the NCF’s Junior Costume Programme.
  2.                  A Band shall comprise of no less than fifty (50) members.
  3.                   A Section must constitute a minimum of twenty-five (25) persons.
  4.                  A Band is allowed to portray one (1) individual and one (1) couple per section [and the points for the best three (3) entries per band will be allocated towards the determination of the School Band of the Year or Community Band of the year prize. Any additional eligible individual or couple costumes will be considered for other prizes, but their points will not count towards the Band of the Year awards.
  5.                   A Band shall be allowed to portray one (1) King and/or one (1) Queen Costume per competing band.                          


  1. Bandleaders desirous of entering in the competition shall register by completing the appropriate form which can be collected from the office of the NCF, West Terrace, St. James or Online Registration Form available on the NCF website http://www.ncf.bb. Bandleaders must read, complete and sign the NCF-approved registration form and deliver the same to the NCF.


  1. Registration Forms shall be submitted no later than Wednesday May 22, 2024.  A synopsis of the band shall be lodged with the NCF, West Terrace, St. James upon registration. Bands may compete in a maximum of 3 theme categories.


  1. The Bandleader or their duly appointed representative shall assemble at the NCF on Monday, June 17th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. to participate in the draw to determine the position they will appear in the parade.


  1. In the event that a Bandleader or their duly appointed representative is not present at the time of the draw, the Band shall be allocated the final place remaining after the others have made their selection.


  1. In the event that more than one Bandleader is absent from the draw then the NCF shall determine their appearance on stage by making a draw for those Bands from the positions remaining in alphabetical order, based on the name of the Band.


  1. Full descriptions of Bands must be submitted to the NCF before Thursday, June 27, 2024.  No amendments will be allowed after the stated date and time. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the band parading without the description being read.


  1. Bandleaders must submit descriptions of a maximum of three (3) 8.5×11 pages in a Bookman Old Style Font Size 14 Single Space. Descriptions submitted that surpass this requirement will not be accepted. The NCF reserves the right to edit and or omit any description which is deemed non-factual or in poor taste.


  1. Bandleaders must submit Music for the parade in electronic format (CD, flash drive in mp3 format) no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday July 8, 2024.  Failure to meet this deadline may result in their Band parading with music provided by the DJ. The NCF strongly urges that the music submitted should be age appropriate and should not contain profanity, suggestive or lewd lyrics. The NCF reserves the right to withdraw any music which is deemed inappropriate. 





  1.      The competitors shall agree to appear at the judging of Junior Kadooment Schools & Community Bands at the Event Venue on Saturday, July 20, 2024, and to perform in accordance with these rules. Competitors shall also obey and comply with all instructions given by authorized (NCF) officials while participating in the event.


  1.                  All competing Bands inclusive of Kings & Queens Individuals, Couples, shall assemble at the designated assembly point.


  1.                   All Bands must sign in their arrival time with the appointed NCF Official.


  1.                  Late arrival of costumed revellers may result in the Band’s forfeiture of its position and shall result in a fine of $250.00 to the school or group.


  1.                   Each Band shall present its banner when parading in front of the judges, clearly identifying the position drawn inscribed in the upper left hand corner of the banner. The banner shall also include the name of the Band, Bandleader & Designer clearly visible. 


  1.                     All Bands shall parade and make their presentations in the designated area. Bandleaders are encouraged to keep their bands in an organised formation on entering onto the designated presentation area and should remain in full formation until they have exited the Presentation area. Bands will exit the Presentation area and continue along the agreed route as assigned.


  1.                   Bands with 50 – 150 masqueraders shall be restricted to a maximum of eight (8) minutes to make their presentations. Bands with 151 masqueraders and over shall be restricted to (12) minutes to make their presentations.


  1.                  The timing of the Band shall commence from the moment the first masquerader enters the marked presentation area and ends when the last masquerader exits the marked presentation area.


  1.                     A violation of Rule (4g) may result in a one (1) point deduction for every minute or part thereof over the respective time limit from the Band’s overall score. Where a violation occurs, the designated NCF Officer shall at the end of the presentation inform the Bandleader or his/her representative verbally and then in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after the occurrence.


  1.                     Each Bandleader shall ensure that adults accompanying their Band supervise and monitor the children assigned to them until collected by the relevant parent, guardian or any other authorised person. 


  1.                  Passes will be issued to Band supervisory staff for the purpose of entry to the event; one (1) adult pass will be issued per every ten (10) children in each Band prior to the event.  Each Bandleader is required to submit to the NCF an accurate number of children in their band. Additionally, a maximum of five (5) passes will be issued for each band’s Technical/Production Staff on request by bandleaders.



  1.                     Costumes/designs must be original and shall not have been entered in any previous competition locally or internationally. All bandleaders are encouraged to utilize Barbadian and Caribbean themes as they relate to Barbadian and Caribbean culture and history. Persons alleging plagiarism must produce evidence to support their claim.  


  1.               All costumes shall be presented in a finished form. Costumes not meeting the required standard may be disqualified. The decision to disqualify or effect a reduction of points shall be at the discretion of the Chief Judge following consultation with judging panel.


  1.                  While parading, any costume that suffers major structural disintegration on stage may be disqualified. The determination of said “major structural disintegration” shall be at the discretion of the Chief Judge following consultation with the judging panel.


  1.                   A maximum of two (2) functional wheels shall be allowed per costume, such being no more than 4 inches in diameter.


  1.                  The majority of the mass of any costume entered in this competition must be carried / worn by the competitor.


  1.                  To be eligible for any award the entry must accumulate no less than fifty percent of the total points assigned to the category. The judges reserve the right not to award any prize if the entry does not merit an award.


  1.                    During any presentation or performance, the individual performer or Band shall NOT make any gesture or mime likely to offend the generally accepted standard of good taste or engage in any behaviour that may be deemed to be morally offensive or vulgar.  Such performer(s) may be barred from further participation with the band by their Bandleader or representative following consultation with the assigned marshal.  Bands or groups whose band members are in breach of this regulation will be fined $250.00.


  1.                   Failure by bandleaders and their bands to comply with the rules, guidelines and regulations governing the Junior Kadooment costumed competition may result in the forfeiture of prizes or further participation in the developmental programme. Exceptions will only be made in the event of force majeure.



  1.      Prior to the deadline for submission of Entry Forms, the NCF shall appoint an Arbiter to decide and adjudicate on any appeals, complaints and matters in dispute or requiring clarification arising from these Rules.


  1.      All complaints related to the competition must be submitted in writing, to the Arbiter, in a sealed envelope within four (4) business days of the date of the completion of the competition addressed as follows:

            The Arbiter 

National Cultural Foundation 

West Terrace 

St. James 





 SCHOOL & COMMUNITY BAND – THEME CATEGORIES – 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.     

  1.                  Historical – A costumed band depicting as its main theme any factual or documented event or era from the beginning of time.


  1.                  Topical – A costumed band depicting current events, activities and opinions.


  1.                   Fantasy – A costumed band whose central theme and portrayal is based on the imaginative or dream world.


  1.                  Environmental – A costumed band promoting an environment theme and/or utilizing recycled or natural materials.                


  1.                   Folklore – A costumed band representative of the folk traditions of the Caribbean region.




  1.                     Individuals

  Age Group 

(3-7) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

(8-12) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

(13-18) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

  1.                   Couples

  Age Group 

(3-7) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

(8-12) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

(13-18) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes) 

The Gwyneth Squires Schools & Community Award for Best Couple (1st prize) 


  1.                  Junior King and Queen (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)


  1.                     Junior Flag Person (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes)

 The individual making the most impressive and spectacular use of the flag in relation to the band and scoring the highest points based on the criteria for Presentation.


  1.      Most Colourful School or Community Band (1st prize) – The most successful selection and use of colours in a band for maximum visual impact.
  2.      Best Costume Structure (1st prize) – The band showcasing the most successful forms based on a showcase of high quality structures. ( to be awarded to the band’s wirebender)


  1.       Best School Band (1st prize) – The Band gaining the most points when judged in Rule 9 Criteria, and the points allocated to the Junior King, Junior Queen and Flag Person as well as the accumulated average score of Individuals and Couples judged.


  1.      Best Community Band (1st prize) – The Band gaining the most points when judged in Rule 9 Criteria, and the points allocated to the Junior King, Junior Queen and Flag Person as well as the accumulated average score of Individuals and Couples judged.


  1.       Junior Queen of the Bands – (Contestant) This prize will be awarded to the contestant who portrays the winning Junior Queen Costume.


  1.        Junior King of the Bands – (Contestant) This prize will be awarded to the contestant who portrays the winning Junior King Costume.


  1.      HIV/AIDS AWARD (1st prize) – A participating band or individual costume band, which most effectively highlights the awareness of HIV/AIDS: its challenge, impact and/or national responses through its portrayal.
  2.      BARBADOS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION – BRANDS OF BARBADOS This award is offered to a band which best depicts aspects of Barbados’ culture. 



The following criteria will be applied in evaluating and scoring the points for bands and individual costumes.


  1.      Portrayal – 25 Points/percent – The representation which depicts a theme in a costume band.


  1.      Craftsmanship- 20 Points/percent – The level of skill shown in the creation and construction of the costume used in portrayal.


  1.       Presentation-15 Points/percent – The impact of stage presentation by costume bearer(s), including use of the stage, execution, technique, management of movement, interpretation of theme.


  1.      Originality – 25 Points/percent – Inventiveness in the use of materials and portrayal of concept and uniqueness in the presentation of theme.


  1.       Visual Impact – 15 Points/percent – The effective use of design, presentation and colour coordination of bands.



By entering the competition, the School/Group has consented to the use of the band’s images or likeness of their masqueraders parading on Junior Kadooment, for the promotion of the Competition and Crop Over in general.

Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations of the competition or to obey any reasonable instructions of any authorized NCF official may result in disqualification of the participant or band.



The winners of this competition shall be awarded according to each themed category as follows:


Historical, Fantasy, Topical, Folklore, Environmental:



PRIZES PER CATEGORY –                           

1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $  750.00

3rd prize $  500.00



1st prize $2,500.00






1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $  750.00

3rd prize $  500.00



1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $   750.00

3rd prize $   500.00




1st prize  $350.00

2nd prize  $250.00

3rd prize  $200.00



Age Group (3-7) 

1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $750.00

3rd prize $500.00


Age Group (8-12)

1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $750.00

3rd prize $500.00


 AGE GROUP (13-18)

1st prize $1,000.00

2nd prize $750.00

3rd prize $500.00





All Age Groups (3-7), (8-12), (13-18)

1st prize $1,000.002nd prize $750.00

3rd prize $500.00







1st prize $1,000.00 

2nd prize $750.00

3rd prize $500.00



JUNIOR QUEEN AND KING contestant Prize

1st Prize (each) Trophy








Registration Closed

Contact us

The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados