Grand Kadooment 2024 Rules & Entry Form





1.          OBJECTIVES

Grand Kadooment is a major national event within the Crop Over Festival. Its objectives are:


  1.     To promote research Barbados’ and the Caribbean’s historical and contemporary cultural heritage.


  1.     To promote innovation in the design, production and development of a costume mas’ industry.
  2.      To provide a meaningful outlet for the creative energy of designers, artists, producers, students and the general public.


  1.      To create a great entertainment event for one and all, and to culminate the Crop Over Festival with a fitting finale.




a) Grand Kadooment is a national competition and is opened 

to adults 18 years and over interested in participating. 


  1.     Bands originating overseas are allowed to participate for parade purposes only.


  1.     A Small Band should comprise no less than one hundred and fifty (150) members. A Large Band should comprise two hundred and fifty (250) or more members.



a) Bandleaders must register their bands directly with the

National Cultural Foundation (NCF) by reading, completing 

and signing the NCF-approved Registration Form and 

returning the same to the NCF.  Registration may also be 

completed online by filling out the appropriate Registration 

Form by visiting the NCF’s website 


b) The deadline for registration by form is Friday, May 17 2024. A synopsis of the Band’s costume design must be submitted to the NCF, West Terrace, St. James upon registration.


  1.      Descriptions of the Band should be submitted to the NCF no later than on Friday July 12, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. Bands which fail to submit descriptions by the deadline indicated will parade without a description being read. 


  1.     Amendments to the numbers of persons constituting a Large Band OR a Small Band shall be done no later than 11:59 p.m. Thursday, July 25, 2024 sent to the NCF with the Subject Line:  Amendment to Band Number. Bands should note the following:             

 Failure by a Band to present a minimum of 150 

members shall render that Band ineligible for judging.


e) The draw for the order in which Bands shall parade, will 

take place on Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 at 5:30 pm at the NCF Headquarters, West Terrace, St. James. 


  1.        In the event that a Bandleader or their duly appointed representative is not present at the time of the draw, the Band shall be allocated the final place remaining after the others present have made their selection.
  2.      In the event that more than one Bandleader is absent from the draw then the NCF shall determine their appearance in the parade by making a draw for those Bands from the positions remaining in alphabetical order, based on the name of the Band.
  3.    Individual costumes will be judged per Band, and must be registered by the indicated deadline, Friday, May 17 2024.      




  1.       The Band agrees to ensure that all revelers/members appear at judging on Grand Kadooment Day at the event venue and to conform in accordance with all of the rules pertaining to the participation in this event.


  1.       Bands shall parade and make their presentations in the designated area before the judges. Bandleaders are encouraged to organise their Bands on entering the designated area prior to the parade, and ensure they remain in full formation.


  1.       Bandleaders or their identified representative shall be responsible for sign-off of the numbers of revelers tallied within their respective Bands with the Marshal assigned at the two designated points. The names of the approved representative shall be submitted on registration. These official counts will take place at the designated areas.


  1.       Bandleaders or their representative must sign confirming numbers. In the event that the Bandleader or their representative fails to sign-off, the number will be recorded by the Marshal and shall be deemed to be the number of revelers who appeared before the Judges. The number of revelers recorded at the second designated point will be the final tally. Signatures will be witnessed by a Senior Marshal.


  1.       The Bandleader shall comply with all instructions given by authorised NCF officials.


  1.         Judging will commence at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, August 5, 2024 at the event venue or as otherwise indicated by the NCF on Grand Kadooment Day. Bands must appear for parade and judging at the time assigned to their band. Failure to meet this agreed time barring justified absence will result in a 50% reduction in the second payment of subvention to bands eligible for subvention. For bands ineligible for a subvention, failure to meet this agreed time will result in a 5% reduction of aggregate points towards the Band of the year award category.


  1.       Each Band shall present its banner when parading in front of the judges, clearly identifying the position drawn, inscribed in the upper left – hand corner of the banner. The banner shall also include the name of the Band, Bandleader/ Designer clearly visible.


  1.       All vehicle(s) which form part of the parade shall have the NCF issued Bands Identification number clearly visible on the front windscreen of vehicles. Failure to do so will result in the vehicle(s) not being admitted to form part of the parade until the Bands Identification number is affixed.


  1.          Bandleaders shall ensure that the wheels of ALL vehicles are covered


  1.          SERVICE  VEHICLES 
    All service vehicles (food, bar, music, supplies, washroom) in the  parade are required to be covered with a suitable protective guard  constructed from a rigid material as prescribed in the official  to be received from the NCF. Failure to have such protective guards 

to service vehicle(s) upon arrival at the assembly /starting point would result in the vehicle(s) being prevented from participating in the parade.


  1.       Design

All costumes must be presented in a finished form. Any unfinished costume(s) shall result in a reduction of points and/or automatic disqualification based on the degree of disintegration. The decision to disqualify or affect a reduction of points shall be at the discretion of the Chief Judge in consultation with the panel of judges. This decision will be communicated to the relevant bandleader after judging.


  1.          The majority of the mass of any costume entered in this competition must be carried/worn by the competitor.


  1.    Costumes/Designs presented for judging shall be original and must not have been entered in any other previous competition locally or internationally.


  1.       Any individual costume shall be allowed no more than four (4) functional wheels, measuring no more than 4 inches in diameter, solely for the balance of the costume.


  1.       Large Bands of 251+ persons shall be restricted to a maximum fifteen (15) minutes and Small Bands of 150-250 persons shall be restricted to a maximum of ten (10) minutes to   make their presentations. Individual costumes will have a maximum of two (2) minutes. The timing of the band shall commence from the moment the first masquerader of the Band enters the marked presentation area; and end when the last masquerader exits.


i.   A violation of Rule 4(o) shall result in a two (2) point deduction for every minute or part thereof over the respective time limit. Where a violation occurs, the designated NCF officer shall at the end of the presentation inform the Bandleader or his/her representative verbally and then in writing within forty- eight (48) hours after the occurrence. 


  1.        An individual performer or Band shall NOT in the course of any presentation or performance make any gesture or mime likely to offend the generally accepted standard of good taste or engage in any behaviour that may be deemed to be morally offensive, lewd or vulgar.


  1.       Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations of the competition or to obey any reasonable instructions of any authorised NCF official may result in disqualification of              such competitor and/or Band. 





  1.     The provision of a subvention by the National Cultural Foundation to Bandleaders and their Bands is intended to assist with the start-up cost and development of their Grand Kadooment costumed Bands.
  2.     Having met the criteria below, Bandleaders, through the participation of their costumed Bands in the 2024 Grand Kadooment event shall be entitled to a subvention of $20,000.00.
  3.      The following criteria shall be met by Bandleaders/Bands to qualify to receive subvention from the National Cultural Foundation:


  1. Bandleaders and their Bands shall have participated in Grand Kadooment for the two (2) relevant consecutive years (2019 and 2022; 2022 and 2023) prior to the current year and have met the eligibility criteria in place for those years.
  2. Bandleaders or their representatives shall attend all NCF-hosted bandleader’s workshops / seminars within the year of participation.
  3. Bands must appear for parade and judging at the time assigned to their band. Failure to meet this agreed time will result in a 50% reduction in the second payment of subvention.
  4. Having met all eligibility criteria payments will be made to the registered Bandleader as follows:


 The first payment of 50% of the amount will be paid to Bandleaders of eligible registered 2024 Bands no later than Friday, June 7th, 2024.

 The final payment of 50% will be paid during the week ending Friday, August 23, 2024.


  1.     In the event of ineligibility for subvention by virtue of not having the number of costumed members as registered, the Bandleader shall be required to remit to the NCF any monies previously advanced as a portion of subvention for that year.


  1.     Failure by Bandleaders and/or their Bands to comply with the rules governing Grand Kadooment may result in the forfeiture of the subvention. Exceptions will be only made in the event of force majeure.





 6.    SECURITY 

a) Bandleaders must provide the necessary security personnel to protect their revelers throughout the event. 


b) Bandleaders shall ensure that the wheels of the music 

vehicle(s) and flat-bed vehicles used for transporting and serving of drinks in the parade are covered with wooden or metal protective guard and that all other trailer specifications are adhered to as prescribed in the official diagram attached. No fittings used to secure protective guards shall protrude beyond the normal dimensions of the vehicle.


c) Failure of the trailer trucks to conform to the specifications shall result in the vehicle(s) being  prevented from participating in the parade. 


d) Bandleaders are responsible for the management and execution of the parade of their Bands on the route, and should ensure that the procession keeps moving and in close formation, avoids unnecessary obstruction of the road and complies with the lawful direction of any Police Officer in uniform or Marshal assigned to the event.



  1.     Prior to the deadline for submission of Entry Forms, the NCF shall appoint an Arbiter to decide and adjudicate on any appeals, complaints and matters in dispute or requiring clarification arising from these Rules.


  1.     All complaints related to the Competition must be submitted in  writing, to the Arbiter, in a sealed envelope within four (4) days of the date of the completion of the competition addressed as follows:

The Arbiter

National Cultural Foundation

West Terrace

St. James






  8.     CRITERIA

The following criteria will be applied when evaluating and assigning points for Heritage Bands being judged:


a) Portrayal — 40 POINTS

The representation which depicts a theme in a costume Band. 


b) Craftsmanship — 15 POINTS

The level of skill shown in the creation and construction of the costume used in portrayal.


c) Presentation—15 POINTS

The impact of stage presentation by costume bearer(s) 

including use of the stage, execution, technique, 

management of movement, interpretation of theme and evoking crowd response.


d) Originality—15 POINTS

Inventiveness in the use of materials and portrayal of concept, and uniqueness in presentation of the theme. 


 e) Visual Impact —15 POINTS

The effective use and coordination of colour and design in the presentation of the Bands.


The following criteria will be applied when evaluating and assigning points for Party Bands being judged:

  1.        Portrayal — 5 POINTS

The representation which depicts a theme in a Costume Band. 


  1.     Craftsmanship —5 POINTS

The level of skill shown in the creation and construction of the costume used in portrayal.


  1.    Presentation—40 POINTS

The impact of stage presentation by costume bearer(s) including use of the stage, execution, technique, management of movement, interpretation of theme and evoking crowd response.


  1.       Originality—10 POINTS

Inventiveness in the use of materials and portrayal of concept, and uniqueness in presentation of the theme.


  1.        Visual Impact —40 POINTS

The effective use and coordination of colour and design in the presentation of the bands. 



Prizes can be awarded in the following 2 general categories:


9.1 GENERAL CATEGORIES – 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. 


   a) Heritage

A costume Band depicting as its main theme any factual, folkloric or topical aspects of local or regional culture. This can take the form of depictions of written, oral or visual expressions that are a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Barbados and/or the wider Caribbean.

        b) Party

A costumed Band, which is not necessarily thematically driven, but is primarily focused on evoking a strong street party atmosphere.



  1.     Robert Weekes Award -Best Festival Designer, Grand Kadooment

The designer who best conceptualises and presents the design, choice of materials, structure, decorative aspects of individual costumes and costumed Bands and scores the most points in the criteria listed below. This prize will be judged in the Grand Kadooment Competition.

   Originality    (15) points

   Visual Impact   (15) points

   Craftsmanship  (15) points


   Total     45 points    


  1.     Best Individual (Male and Female) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize) HERITAGE
  2.     Best Individual (Male and Female) (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize) PARTY


  1.      Winston Jordan Award – Flag Person of the Year (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize)

The individual making the most impressive and spectacular use of the flag in relation to the Band and scoring the highest points based on the criteria for Presentation.


  1.     George Dear Award – Best Band on the Road (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize)

The Band which best exemplifies the spirit of Kadooment through attaining the highest points scored in the portrayal of theme, visual impact and originality on the road. 


  1.        Presentation of the Year – HERITAGE

The Heritage Band which best displays the following in their presentation: execution, technique, and management of movement, interpretation of theme, utilisation of stage and the evoking of crowd response. 

  1.      Presentation of the Year – PARTY

The Party Band which best displays the following in their presentation: execution, technique, and management of movement, interpretation of theme, utilisation of stage and the evoking of crowd response. 


  1.      Best Overseas Band 

The most successful presentation by a Band based outside of Barbados of more than 75 persons, when judged by the stated criteria. (The Prize for this category shall be a plaque. All Bands participating will receive a certificate of participation.


  1.         Barbados Manufacturers Association- Brands of Barbados

This award is offered to a band which best depicts aspects of Barbados’ culture.

  1.        HIV/AIDS AWARD (1st prize) – A participating band or individual costume from a band, which most effectively highlights the awareness of HIV/AIDS: its challenge, impact and/or national responses through its portrayal.


  1.      Advertising

An entire costumed Band, which advertises or promotes products or services.  Awards in the order of Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates will be presented. (No cash prizes shall be awarded in this category).




a) Small Band of the Year – HERITAGE 

Costumed Bands of between 150 and 250 members attaining the highest aggregate of points on Kadooment Day, when judged in the stated criteria 8 a-e.


  b) Small Band of the Year – PARTY 

Costumed Bands of between 150 and 250 members attaining the highest aggregate of points on Kadooment Day, when judged in the stated criteria 8 f-j.


c)  Large Band of the Year – HERITAGE

Costumed Bands of 251 or more members, attaining the highest aggregate of points on Kadooment Day, when judged in the stated criteria 8 a-e.


  1. Large Band of the Year – PARTY

Costumed Bands of 251 or more members, attaining the highest aggregate of points on Kadooment Day, when judged in the stated criteria 8 f-j.



By entering the competition, the Band Leader has consented to the use of their images or likeness of their masqueraders parading on Kadooment Day for the promotion of the Competition and for the promotion of Crop Over in general.













HIV/AIDS AWARD     $1,000   




The Robert Weekes Award         BMA Brands of Barbados Award

1st prize:    $20,000       Large Band   Trophy  

                  Small Band   Trophy  


1st prize    $7,500   

2nd prize   $5,000   

3rd prize    $2,500  



1st prize    $7,500        The George Dear Award                 

2nd prize   $5,000        1st prize    $4,500 

3rd prize    $2,500        2nd prize   $3,000 

             3rd prize    $2,500 



-The Winston Jordan Award         SMALL BAND OF THE YEAR – HERITAGE

1st prize    $1,500          1st prize    $5,000 

2nd prize    $1,200         SMALL BAND OF THE YEAR – PARTY

3rd prize       $   800          1st prize    $5,000 



1st prize    $3,000        LARGE BAND OF THE YEAR- HERITAGE


BEST PRESENTATION – PARTY      1st prize    $7,500


1ST prize   $3,000        LARGE BAND OF THE YEAR- PARTY              

            1ST prize   $ 7,500 


1 Step 1
Grand Kadooment

GENERAL CATEGORIES OF PARTICIPATION:  A band may be registered ONLY ONE of the two general categories, once the band is in the leaders’ opinion sufficiently representative of the particular category.



Please give details for all that are being registered. Lack of consistency (of costume titles, bearers or category) on the registration form and the band description may result in the costume not being judged.

INDIVIDUALS (information marked with a * is critical)

FLAGPERSON (information marked with a * is critical)


The information below will solely be used for verification purposes and will not be shared
with any person/entity without your permission.

Failure to obey any of the rules & regulations and/or any instructions of the Stage Manager or any authorised NCF personnel shall disqualify any competitor, and such competitor shall not be entitled to the appearance fee and shall not be eligible to be judged in the competition or be awarded any prize. THE JUDGES’ DECISION IS FINAL.

I hereby grant permission to the National Cultural Foundation, its agents, successors or assignees, to have exclusive rights, license and authority to videotape/photograph the Crop Over Festival events, in which my band, listed above, appears/participated for the purpose of broadcast & promotion only in perpetuity. Bandleaders are responsible for notifying their masqueraders of this clause.

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Contact us

The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados