Crop OverNews

Crop Over’s ‘Best’ receive prizes for hard work

todayAugust 31, 2022 119


Prizes won in the Courtesy Garage Pic-O-De-Crop Finals and the Grand Kadooment Day Tune of Crop were presented Wednesday, August 31.

The National Cultural Foundation presented a total of eight prizes in the show room of Courtesy Garage. The prizes for Pic O De Crop were presented by Chief Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation Carol-Roberts-Reifer and Sales Manager at Courtesy Roger Maxwell.

Calypso Monarch Quon, who was given the choice of Nissan Leaf or $100 000 in cash chose the latter. While Quon is overseas on an exchange pursuing part of his studies, his mum Tania White received the cheque on his behalf. Quon was crowned calypso king beating out a field of 17 others with his song Animal Kingdom.

For the second consecutive Crop Over festival, Water Street Boyz copped the Best Song Writer of the Festival Award.

In 2019, the duo of Cheyne Jones and Ian Webster (iWeb) wrote four of the songs in the Finals while this year they penned five. They received $1 000.

Renowned musician and teacher Roger Gittens won Best Arranged Song of the Festival Award for his work on Dear Lord song by iWeb. He also received$1 000. 

Best Nation-Building Song was awarded to John Yarde for his song I Will Remember. This prize earned him a trophy.  

Tune of the Crop winner Brucelee Almightee won $7 500and a trophy forhis hit song Mauby.

Copping second placewas Lil Rick with Happy Birthday. He received$5 000. 

There was a tie for third placeand that position was shared between Saddis singing Nothing On You and Jagwa The Champ with Animal. They both won$2 000 each.

Saddis is overseas, his manager Ingrid Holder of Live Wire Entertainment collected the cheque for him.

The Tune of the Crop prizes were presented by NCF CEO Carol-Roberts-Reifer and Grand Kadooment Day coordinator Aja. (PR)

Written by: Info NCF

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