Literary Arts Showcase

Six Feet Apart

todayJanuary 16, 2022 316

Six feet apart
social distance
distancing my heart,
this breath
not breathing,
this cough
not sneezing,
we’re six feet apart
locked down, on pause
all matters of heart.
We’ve got to restart
six feet apart
no touching, shaking
of hands
elbows to bounce
keep far from palms
we’re staying
six feet apart,
we’re six feet apart
yet I long
for your heart
to reach out and touch
get a restart,
bouncing elbows
virtual kissing
is how it goes
humanity is missing
us six feet apart.
The enemy is real
there’s no
touching of heart
no breathing, we’re
just six feet apart.

Now we’re revealing,
no longer
our breathing, our feeling
this distance
this meaning
six feet apart.
Apart from me
apart from you
we do what we do
staying six feet apart.

Written by: ncf_boss

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