Literary Arts Showcase

Paradise in a Pandemic

todayJanuary 16, 2022 177

Eden is glitching, Illusions falling apart, Reality cracked…
Locked down and masked up, On islands, isolated,
Survival unsure…
Will paradise fall?
Foreign dollars are needed Who will pay the price?.
The lonely bear sits,
His iceberg floats out to sea, The glacier crumbles
Lockdown 2 journalling
Day 1
Thoughts and emotions Waging war, tensions rising Can I endure this?
Day 2
Not much to write on
The day passed quietly and I just slept a lot
Day 4
The power went off
I was going to wash today Inconvenient…
Day 7
Cabin fever comes,
Today’s a perfect beach day, But those are closed now

Day 11
Finally went out,
Had to go supermarket Our food has run out
Day 20
Graduation Day Virtual ceremony It feels so empty
People’s choice awards A virtual event too
Sigh, I didn’t win
Day XD
Tired of writing
This will be the last entry I’m giving up now
Ashes fall like rain
In apocalyptic times Fear has become king
La Soufrière
I can smell sulphur,
From the West, the Darkness comes Soufriere has woken.
Has the sun risen?
Our lights are all on at noon. Ash began to fall.
This new day has dawned, The ash continues to fall, Eruption Day 3.
Crescent moon rises,
We can see the sky again. Eruption Day 6.

Struggling to breathe.
My lungs are filled with mucus, Eruption week 2.
Feels like I’m drowning,
Escaped from Covid, now comes Ash! Saharan Dust!
Stopped counting the days, I can’t even leave my room Ash is everywhere!
Can’t open windows,
Had to sleep with a mask on Feel suffocated
My daily routine
Now begins with cleaning and Washing the ash down.
Bedtime Story
The parties are over and we can no longer dance
Who could have known that would have been our last chance
No hugs, no kisses, no more holding hands No more crowded shows with live bands
Faces covered, hands washed we tried to slow the spread While we took meetings and classes at home in bed
The world we knew had gone, everything changed Some adapted while others became deranged
We drew lines over what was common good Many just argued simply because they could
The first fights were over the dwindling toilet paper One year in it was about what will make us safer
Some took positions stances that got them fired And as it went on we grew more and more tired

Asked to protect ourselves yet many refused Nurse and Doctors got attacked and abused
Many couldn’t keep trying and lost all hope The fear crushed them, they couldn’t cope
And so we all waited and wished and prayed Waiting for divine intervention or heavenly aid
But we have to save ourselves which is hard to admit So hopefully we’ll we get there, bit by bit

Written by: ncf_boss

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