Literary Arts Showcase

No Retreat No Surrender

todayJanuary 16, 2022 361 4

No retreat. No surrender.
It’s not easy
To fight
An enemy
We cannot see
Cannot touch
But can only feel,
And by then it may be too late.
No retreat. No surrender.
It’s not easy
To restrict
And abandon
Liming with friends
While young and old
Complain and are understandably irate.
No retreat. No surrender.
It is not easy
To constantly wear
A mask and
Endlessly sanitise hands,
Or to take any of this seriously While conspiracy theorists debate.
No retreat. No surrender.
It can’t be easy
To watch our elders
Our children
Just to return to the normalcy
Of schools, playgrounds and play dates.
We cannot retreat. We cannot surrender.

It hasn’t been easy…
It’s been the longest year ever! Sickness
But we as a people
Are stronger together.
And we must believe
That it will get better.
Nobody knows
If it will ever end
Who knows
If we’ll even see
What we knew as ‘normal’ Again.
It really hasn’t been easy, And the journey
Is far from over.
But we will not retreat. And we will not surrender.

Written by: ncf_boss

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