
Paperless registrations for Crop Over

todayApril 26, 2017 215 1

Out of the paper world into the electronic media, that is the word from the National Cultural Foundation (NCF) in announcing its move to an online process of registration for Crop Over 2017.

Over the next few weeks, a number of forms from masquerade, to visual arts, to the music competitions will be available for full registration online through the Foundation’s official website at

Foreday Morning Jam and Pic-O-De-Crop registration forms are already available, while the Sweet Soca, Party Monarch, Visual Arts, Junior and Grand Kadooment forms will be accessible shortly. 

The Junior Calypso Monarch registration forms will be available electronically but in .PDF format only.  However, it is expected to also move to a full paperless process in 2018.

The deadline dates for the remaining 2017 Crop Over registrations are as follows:

Junior Calypso Monarch                                           April 27, 2017                                                                            

Foreday Morning Jam                                               April 27, 2017                                                                               

Volunteer Programme                                               May 12, 2017 

Pic-O-De-Crop                                                          May 25, 2017                                                                                

Crop Over Visual Arts                                               May 26, 2017                                                                               

Party Monarch Registration &                                    June 21, 2017

Audio file/CD Submission                       

Sweet Soca Registrations &                                       June 21, 2017

Audio file/CD Submission                       

Junior Kadooment                                                    June 2, 2017

Band Description                                                      July 10, 2017

Music – (CD/Flashdrive)                                           July 17, 2017                                                                              

Grand Kadooment                                                    June 15, 2017

Band Description                                                      July 20, 2017

Stakeholders/entrants should note the specific times stated on the forms, but for most of the online registrations, eligibility is up to 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.  Hand deliveries to the NCF must be done on or before 3:30 p.m. on the deadline date.

For assistance with the online registration, stakeholders/entrants should contact Karen Oliver via email at or by telephone at 417-6646.


Written by: ncf_boss

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St. James, Barbados