
NCF & BPWCCUL Launch Digital Trends

todayMarch 10, 2017 338

Digital Trends - BPWCCUL Junior Videography Competition
The NCF, Chief Cultural Officer, Andrea Wells speaking at the launch of the Digital Trends BPWCCUL Videography Competition, flanked by (l to r) Kimberley Grimes, Marketing Assistant, BPWCCUL; Arlette St. Hill, Co-ordinator of the competition; and Simone Codrington, Corporate Communications Specialist, NCF.

Harnessing the budding talent of our juniors in the dynamic Film & Video industry in a positive way is one of the key objectives of Digital Trends, the inaugural Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited (BPWCCUL) Junior Videography Competition.

The National Cultural Foundation (NCF), represented by Chief Cultural Officer, Mrs. Andrea Wells, recently announced the partnership during a press conference held at BPWCCUL’s, Belmont, St. Michael office.

Mrs. Wells noted that this initiative is an extension of an already productive partnership between the two entities, and of BPWCCUL’s investment in the development of this growing sector in Barbados.

She explained that the competition, Digital Trends, was designed to encourage juniors to create informative and educational videos using the widely available digital technology on tablets, smart phones, laptops and cameras.  Its four themed categories, as detailed in the rules, cover a music video with a focus on protecting the environment or bringing awareness to some stated issues; a short documentary; a narrative comedy; or a narrative drama on given topics.

The prizes, listed in two broad age groups 10-12 and 13-17, offer a video camera for first place winner and a voucher towards a smart phone to be presented to the second place winner in the 10-12 category; while the winner in the 13-17 age range could walk away with a laptop and video editing software and for second place winner a smart phone.  Prize winners in both age groups will all be awarded scholarships for participation in the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination (EBCCI) Digital Arts Camp.

The winners will be decided by a jury of filmmaking professionals and educators in the categories of story/theme; creativity; directing; editing; camera work; and sound – all valued at 20 points each.

With a focus on development and the exchange of knowledge as core to many of the NCF’s programmes and competitions, Mrs. Wells noted that Digital Trends would include a workshop for the junior entrants during the Easter holiday (April 10-21, 2017), aimed at enhancing their video-making and editing skills. Participants and even youth with a general interest in the field should sign up for the workshop and use it to refine their skills and by extension their entries, she added.

November caps a year of the NCF’s investment in the development of the cultural industries sector, and this competition and workshop marks the evolution of an inaugural junior category in the 2017 NIFCA Film/Video competition creating another outlet for their expression.

Mrs. Wells commented that it is shaping up to be a big year in video in Barbados and that the NCF’s efforts would not have been possible without the vision and kind support of the Barbados Public Workers Cooperative Credit Union Limited.

Registration for the competition is now open and entries must be submitted on or before Friday, May 19, 2017.

Click here to download your registration form and enter.

Written by: ncf_boss

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