The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados
todayFebruary 27, 2025
todayFebruary 27, 2025
todayFebruary 27, 2025
todayFebruary 27, 2025
The National Cultural Foundation released a series of digital educational projects yesterday at the Daphne Joseph Hackett Theatre. These digital projects offer assistance to the schools’ digital teaching and target children ages 8-11 and CSEC students studying dance and theatre. Projects focused on elements of The Barbados Landship in an effort to transfer knowledge about this cultural treasure. Included in this intangible cultural heritage production is a teachers’ training manual based on the manoeuvres of the Barbados Landship, a cultural resource kit for students following the dance and theatre arts CSEC/CAPE syllabi equipped with demonstration videos, Bajan ABC’s, counting from 1 to 10 and multiplication tables on a tuk instrumental. Also included in this suite, is a five-part fun, social history animation series entitled All Aboard.
Other releases on the day included a Barbadian catalogue of creatives with a call to action, as the name suggests- Get It Now! This recently released catalogue features a cadre of amazing Barbadian creatives and producers of a variety of locally made items ranging from body care products to food and fashion. This arts catalogue provides a space that leads to more awareness for the creatives and a one-stop shop for the wider public. The NCF also sneak peaked its new training website equipped with online creative arts classes including basketry, dance, music and more!
Two recipients of the COVID-19 Technical Assistance Grant for Creatives, Mahalia Cummins and Andre Craig, also spoke about their projects. Craig, who only began his company this year during the lockdown, launched an online magazine entitled WOAH Magazine utilising students in the Mass Communication and Graphic Arts programme. The magazine highlights Caribbean culture and entertainment features Barbadian artists like Rupee, DJ Puffy and Von Hall.
Mahalia spoke to the audience about her new and upcoming book, BAJAN-isms. The book focuses on the Barbadian vernacular and offers the pronunciations and meanings to words only “true bajans would understand”. She indicated that this was something she wanted to create for a long time but it would not have been possible without the assistance of the Foundation and she is forever grateful.
NCF’s CEO Carol Roberts- Reifer indicated she felt strongly that in an age of uncertainty, it is critical that Barbadians hold fast to the elements that identify and symbolise who we are as a people she also stated that “in an environment of discourse on reparations, tolerance, diversity, Black Lives Matter and national identity that we must recognise and celebrate our core cultural values and the very best of the Barbadian personality.”
Also in attendance were three of the culinary artists featured in the Get It Now Catalogue with samples from their menus. Alicia Payne- Wickham from ‘Lici’s pastries’ who started baking from school days, Meghan Norris from ‘That’s My Jam’ a local preservative company utilising homegrown products and Raina Franklyn’s Queens Street Gourmet her assortment of cookies including salted caramel, toasted toffee and peanut deluxe.
For more information please visit www.ncf.bb or follow the NCF on social via Facebook and YouTube @ncfBarbados or on Instagram @thencfbarbados.
Written by: Toni Yarde
labelCarifesta todayFebruary 27, 2025
labelCarifesta todayFebruary 10, 2025
The National Cultural Foundation
West Terrace,
St. James, Barbados
Copyright 2024 National Cultural Foundation